Barnard Objects, iPhone Ring Nebula
Posted: 24 September 2024
Open: Monday, 23 September 2024, 1809 MST Temperature: 79°F |
Session: 2013 Conditions: Clear |
12" f/8 LX600 w/StarLock
2" 24mm UWA eyepiece
Focal reducer
12x50 binoculars
2" 9mm 100° eyepiece
iPhone 15 Pro Max
1815 MST: LX600 ON, StarLock OFF, High Precision OFF.
Viewed Venus, 102X.
Prepared the D850 DSLR for imaging.
1820 MST: Sunset.
1825 MST: Relaxed on the observatory patio bench.
1921 MST: Back in the observatory. Mounted the D850 DSLR at prime focus + focal reducer, focused on the star Antares, and locked the primary mirror.
1927 MST: High Precision ON.
1930 MST: StarLock ON.
Imaged these Barnard Objects (dark nebulae), StarLock autoguided, 30 seconds, ISO 6400.
2024 MST: StarLock OFF.
2031-2053 MST: Took a short break and relaxed on the observatory patio bench to enjoy looking at the night sky. Viewed some objects, 12x50 binoculars: several star clusters including the Double Cluster and M13 (Great Globular Cluster in Hercules), M31 (Andromeda Galaxy) and its satellite galaxies M32 and M110, and M33 (Triangulum Galaxy).
Back at the 12" telescope, viewed (or tried to) some Barnard Objects (dark nebulae), 102X: B306, B93, B185, B307, B308, B309, B94, B95, B96, and B97.
Viewed the Ring Nebula (M57), 102X and 271X.
Attached the LiDAR Cover on the iPhone 15 Pro Max and mounted the iPhone on the 2" 9mm eyepiece using the 3-axis adapter.
2139 MST: StarLock ON.
Took these StarLock autoguided afocal 271X images of the Ring Nebula.
NightCap Camera (Long Exposure, Light Boost, ISO 50000, 1sec, 1 minute, 1X lens)
Camera app (Night Mode, 30 seconds, 1X lens)
2145 MST: StarLock OFF.
Viewed Saturn, 271X. Viewed Neptune, 102X and 271X.
Viewed NGC404 (Mirach's Ghost, galaxy), 102X.
Viewed M31 (Andromeda Galaxy) and its satellite galaxies M32 and M110, 102X. Viewed M33 (Triangulum Galaxy), 102X.
2203 MST: LX600 OFF.
2212 MST: Took a Sky Quality reading.
Close: Monday, 23 September 2024, 2214 MST Temperature: 73°F |
Session Length: 4h 05m Conditions: Clear, SQM 20.81 |
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