Last updated: 27 August 2007
Subject:	Mac and LPI
Sent:	Friday, August 24, 2007 16:17:06
From:	Matt Hollinshead (
Just a quick question, I'm a mac user so can I use a Meade LPI camera
with my ETX running OS X Tiger or will i have to use Virtual PC. Or Even
an Intel Mac and Boot Camp. Is There a workaround?

PS or even a cheap webcam you may know works??!!

Thanks in advance


United Kingdom
Mike here: See my article "AutoStar Suite on a Macintosh" on the Helpful Information: AutoStar Info page as well as the item "LPI with Mac OS X" on the Helpful Information: Astrophotography page. Bottom line: to use Meade's software you have to run under Windows or a Windows replacement such as listed on the Helpful Information: Astronomy & Intel Mac Systems page.
Subject:	Your Meade LPI page
Sent:	Tuesday, July 10, 2007 14:45:01
From:	CPS (
I found the LPI section of your website - - and I am
wondering how did you get the exposure of Saturn's moons. Was it one
long exposure or a composite of several exposures? Thank you.
Charles P. Sands
Mike here: Yes, it can be both. Typically it is best to stack multiple images, throwing out the bad ones. By the way, that's an older LPI page. See the Helpful Information: Astrophotography page for the link to the current page.
Subject:	HELP: what happens to my new LPI?
Sent:	Thursday, July 5, 2007 22:06:45
From:	Erika Jimnez (
I need your help again, I have a new LPI CMOS camera. I install the
software, and when is the time I put the LPI in my telescope
(ETX-125PE), all cables are connected (USB and Comm Port).

I turn on the Telescope, and I click on the LPI tab in the Autostar
Software, the LPI window appears, so I can see a dark image, with little
color spots.  I was in my bedroom, but  i try to point my ETX in a
picture, in a nearby wall, but I just see the same kind of image, the
color change but nothing clear appears.

My question is: The LPI works like a regular camera or is this rare
image normal??

Because i believed if I pointed in some object, this object appears,
like  a regular camera. I bought the LPI this afternoon, and can not try
pointing in a nearby structure, like a building.

Sorry for my bad english, and thanks a lot for your comments!
Mike here: Couple of things: First you need to focus the telescope and LPI on a distant object rather than something in your room. Use a tree (when the wind is not blowing), street sign, or building. Second, you likely need to shorten the exposure adjustment for a daytime terrestrial object, otherwise you will be overexposing the image.
Subject:	Meade LPI USB Driver for Windows Vista -- The Saga Continues...
Sent:	Tuesday, June 12, 2007 10:19:41
From:	Brian Miller (
I have been searching for ways to get my trusty LPI to function in the
Windows Vista environment without success. Even when I run the Autostar
Suite in "compatability mode" as a Windows XP SP2 application Vista
fails to recognize the USB driver for the LPI... it prompts me to
contact the manufacturer for a Vista driver.

For the last two and a half months I have done that. My last e-mail was
through their new customer service page, and I included my contact
information. Six weeks went by without a response from Meade, so I
e-mailed their engineering department yesterday and got a quick
response. Ironically, it was nothing more than an automated response
that suggested I go through the steps I already followed.
"Engineer" (
Save Address

"Brian Miller" (
RE: LPI USB Driver for Windows Vista
Tue, 12 Jun 2007 15:47:44 +0000   [View Source]

Dear Mr. Miller,
Thank you for contacting the Engineering Department about your
particular situation. The engineer mailbox is not for Customer Service
assistance but is intended for suggestions and comments that will help
the Engineering Department improve or correct Meade products. We have
found that resolving problems is more efficient and accurate when it is
discussed personally with a Customer Service Representative. This
permits them to ask questions and make suggestions that will give the
best results. Meade Customer Service can be reached at (949) 451-1450.

If you prefer, online assistance is also now available from Meade
Instruments Customer Service. Please submit your inquiry to the new
Meade Customer Solutions at the following web location,
You will receive a quick response and also find other helpful resources
for your Meade products.
Regards, Meade Engineering Department
-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Miller []
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2007 12:26 PM
To: Engineer
Subject: LPI USB Driver for Windows Vista

Hello Meade Instruments,
I e-mailed Meade Technical Support approximately six weeks ago through
the website and have not received a response, so I thought I would try
again. Perhaps my e-mail got lost in the slush pile?

I have been a life-long owner of Meade telescopes, and I have owned a
Meade LPI since 2005. I use it extensively with both of my Meade
telescopes on my old Windows XP laptop. Recently I aquired a new laptop
that runs Windows Vista, and I was planning to purchase a Meade DSI. I
installed the Autostar Suite Software on the Vista machine without any
problems, but the LPI camera will not function. I have read reports that
the Meade DSI will not function in the Windows Vista environment either,
so I have not purchased the additional imager.

My question is: Does Meade have a USB driver patch that will allow the
LPI to function in the Windows Vista environment?

If the answer is "yes", when might we expect the download to be
available on the Meade website?

If the answer is "no", can you please explain why Meade has chosen not
to support the LPI in the Windows Vista environment?

Thank you for your cooperation and assistance. I look forward to your
Brian Miller
So the saga continues...
I will try camping out on the telephone this afternoon and see if they
have come up with a solution. As I said in my e-mail to the engineering
department, I was thinking about buying a DSI, but I am reluctant to
spend more money on Meade products that will not function in the Windows
Vista environment.
Hope all is well.
Brian Miller
Spring Valley, CA

Subject:	Mike Lakey here, Finsally got my LPI working
Sent:	Sunday, May 27, 2007 11:49:50
From:	Michael Lakey (
Thanks for your help before. I found some updates for the LPI and it
works now. I'll send you a pic of the moon and you can tell me how I
did.  Saturn  though,  I could only get a lil' blob of light on the
screen, would you know why that is.  Should I  use the para-focal ring?
I could also only take 1 frame at a time cause my batteries ran out on
my telescope. Again, I have a Meade ETX 80mm.  I also downloaded
registax, so if you got any tips on that it would be much appreciated.

Thanks a Bunch,
       Mike Lakey


Mike here: Please read the Announcements: Site page for information on submitting files while I'm on travel. Thanks for understanding. There is a "Registax Tutorial" and a "Registax Guide" on the Helpful Information: Astrophotography page.
Sent:	Monday, May 14, 2007 03:22:30
From:	hameed haji (
Hi, I just thought I would share my wonderfull experience with my new
etx125 with you and the community.  Your website is by far the best ETX
resource on the web!

I got the meade LPI with the scope and this was pretty disappointing on
the moon, how i can take a photo of full moon and what is your
suggestion, and if there is any accessories pls advise , because as i
read there is some Adapters or Reducer but i need more information's.
best regards
Mike here: With the ETX-125 you can't image the Moon's entire disk with the LPI (or most imagers) without using a focal reducer or wide-field adapter (WFA). For info on focal reducers, just do a search on the ETX Site for "LPI focal reducer". For info on the Shutan WFA see the Accessory Reviews: Showcase Products page. Alternatively you can make several exposures, each of a different portion on the Moon and then put them together in an image processing application.
Subject:	"Request for Assistance" Meade LPI
Sent:	Tuesday, May 8, 2007 13:34:57
From:	Peter Koch (
Found your very informative LPI website, and thought it might be OK for
me to drop you an email asking for some assistance.

Just bought a Meade LPI incl. ASS. The software installation went smooth
and communication with the LPI seems to work perfectly. I'm running ASS
ver. 3.23 and AutoStar Envisage ver. 5.85. Have no idea about the LPI
version -- sorry.

Now, from many postings on your website I understand that it is very
difficult to focus the live picture on the screen --- same for me too.
I'm using a Bresser Messier 4" refractor --- LPI attached directly at
the eyepiece-holder without any eyepiece or Barlow.

Focusing, however, becomes difficult because the live picture is VERY
shaky -- the picture moves from sample to sample. I thought we were
talking about still images here, but the picture is everything else than
still -- even when I focus on a fixed object, such as a building. Is
this a normal behaviour, and if yes, are there anything I can do to
change this characteristic of an otherwise nice camera...???

Look forward to receive your answer -- thanks a lot.

Best regards

Peter Koch
Aalborg, Denmark
Mike here: If the image is unsteady that would seem to indicate that the mount is unsteady or not tracking well. I suggest dealing with that first.


Thanks a lot for your prompt reply -- I appreciate very much your time.

Well, my mount is steady as a rock, and even focusing on objects such as
buildings, I observe that the live picture on the PC screen moves
slightly from side to side.

I know it is very difficult for you to give specific advises without
having seen my setup, but (as many other people dealing with the LPI for
the first time) I'm very frustrated about the situation --- the price
for the LPI here in Denmark is still 200 USD, so I expected at least
some reasonable performance.

OK -- another thing I was wondering about (allow me to spend a few more
minutes of your time); Do you have any experiences using the LPI
together with an eyepiece or a telecompressor..?? I think it would be
nice to have the option zooming a little in and out, and not having to
accept the given LPI FOV all the time.


Mike here: I am not certain why terrestrial objects would show an image shifting. I didn't experience that when I first tried out the LPI. As to changing the FOV/magnification, you can use a Barlow Lens or a Focal Reducer with the LPI.


OK Mike --- once again, thanks for your valuable feedback. I'l keep on



Subject:	Saturn image
Sent:	Friday, May 4, 2007 08:40:48
From:	Udo Demmer (
Recently I bought a Meade ETX 125 CE together with the Meade LPI camera. It
is my first own telescope and I am a newcomer in the field of
astrophotography. Therefore I am quite happy with the outcome of an
observation of Saturn from the 30th April 2007 22:15 UT. Observation
location: Pinneberg near Hamburg, Germany (5339'N; 947'E). Observation
conditions: clear sky but light pollution by the moon and city lights.
Recording: ETX 125 CE, LPI, 2x short focus Barlow (Meade #126), K3CCDTools,
2575 raw images, processed with Registax 4, 1165 images stacked (quality >
90 %). Image enhancement with Registax (drizzle factor 2, wavelet filter)
and Paint Shop Pro. Generally I have problems with the focusing / sharpness.
It would be helpful for me to get some tips, e.g. would there be an
improvement by using a high quality tele-extender instead of the low cost
Barlow lens ? Greetings to the community. Udo Demmer


Mike here: Focusing is always a challenge with most any imager.  Certainly the higher the quality of all the optical components the better the image HAS A CHANCE to be.  But there are other factors as well, like seeing conditions, mount vibrations, etc.
Subject:	Re: Meade LPI Problems 
Sent:	Monday, April 9, 2007 10:15:03
From:	Michael Lakey (
Thanks for responding.  See this is the thing, I have the #494, do I
have to upgrade and what is the #505 serial cable for, is that to be
able to use the Auto Star handbox w/ the Laptop? My OS is a Sony intel
Celeron processor w/ XP professional.  Like I said, I get an image for
about a couple of seconds but then it goes out.  It actually worked on
my PC for about ten minutes then when out as well.  I know i must be
doing something wrong.  Again I'm about as much of an ametuer as an
ametuer can get without being completely clueless as to what to do with
this CCD camera.  I'm just extremely frustrated and will appreciate any
help you can give me.  I just don't know all the jargon used in
astrophotography, so it is a little difficult to understand exactly what
some of the stuff means on your site, though it did answer some
questions.  Thanks again Mike and I hope you can help me a little bit.
Mike here: You will need the AutoStar #497 if you want to control the telescope (via the AutoStar) from the software running on your computer. The LPI package should have included the #505 serial cable. If your computer doesn't have a real RS-232 port you will need a USB-serial adapter. NOTE that not all the adapters out there work reliably with the AutoStar; see the article "AutoStar and USB" on the Helpful Information: AutoStar Info page. As to why the LPI image comes and goes, don't know. Have you set the exposure properly for the object you are trying to view?
Subject:	Meade LPI Problems 
Sent:	Saturday, April 7, 2007 15:00:02
From:	Michael Lakey (
I had recently bought an LPI and cannot get it to work at all.  I am not
to computer savvy, but know how to install a program, the basics you
know.  Envisage is saying that my camera is not connected, but it is and
I get an unfocused image for about 1or 2 seconds and then a black or
white screen.  It even locks up sometimes.  I really don't want to think
I spent $100 for nothing, being that I've seen people getting great
images with the same scope and camera.  Oh yeah, I have a ETX-80mm
AutoStar telescope.  I love the scope but am disappointed with the image
software so far.

Hope You Can Help,
    Mike Lakey, very amateur astronomer
Mike here: First off, to get the best use of the LPI and the AutoStar Suite software you will need a #497 AutoStar (has number keys on the keypad). If your ETX-80 has only a #494 (no number keys) then you can not use the #505 serial cable that came with the LPI. As to the LPI itself, it should work if your USB port is working. What OS are you using?
Subject:	Saturn with ETX90 and LPI
Sent:	Monday, April 2, 2007 06:49:36
From: (
I'm still learning but this past weekend I managed to capture Saturn in
between all the clouds with my best shot so far. For 90mm I'm quite
pleased with this one and it gave me an opportunity to record my
settings to use as a guide in the future. I'll include the settings I
used that night with the hope that it may be of use to someone new to
the LPI/ETX90 setup as I am.

March 31st: 10:48 pm
LPI/Envisage setup: (LPI used with 2x Barlow)

Gain - 93
Offset - 35
Histogram - 1 - 179
Exposure - 1 second
shadow - 1
contrast - 1
Kernel Filter - EdgeEnhanceHard
Apply after 10 images
Save process - BMP; save all uncombined images

exposure - 50 (seems to be the default position, I just left it alone)
Brightness 84
Contrast - 1465
Hue - 41
Saturation - 1106
Sharpness - 280
Gamma - 650
White Balance - 50 (checked for Auto)

Saved images were stacked with Registax, applied a fair amount of
wavelet for layers 1,2,3&4. Further processed with "The Gimp" photo
editor. (unsharp mask, etc.)

I collected about 200 .bmp files before the clouds came by again. Ran
Registax "lowest quality" setting set to 70%, I then eliminated a few
more leaving about 160 .bmp files to stack.


Joe Walmach
Saylorsburg, PA.


Go to the January-March 2007 LPI Page.

Go to the July-November 2006 LPI Page.

Go to the May-June 2006 LPI Page.

Go to the March-April 2006 LPI Page.

Go to the January-February 2006 LPI Page.

Go to the October-December 2005 LPI Page.

Go to the July-September 2005 LPI Page.

Go to the May-June 2005 LPI Page.

Go to the March-April 2005 LPI Page.

Go to the January-February 2005 LPI Page.

Go to the October-December 2004 LPI Page.

Go to the July-September 2004 LPI Page.

Go to the April-June 2004 LPI Page.

Go to the January-March 2004 LPI Page.

Go to the 2003 LPI Page.

Go back to the Astrophotography Page.

Go back to my ETX Home Page.

Copyright ©2007 Michael L. Weasner /
Submittal Copyright © 2007 by the Submitter