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Last updated: 31 August 2010

I've been asked many times over the years this site has been online to provide an "editorial page." Keep in mind that this EDITORIAL PAGE is just that. It is MY area to say whatever is on MY mind.

And this is also a "User Opinions" page where YOU have expressed YOUR opinions.

Weasner's Editorials User Opinions
September 2009 - Quotes, and Mis-Quotes (09/11/09)
March 2008 - Final: Scopetronix, CNC Parts Supply (03/13/08)
January 2008 - Scopetronix, CNC Parts Supply (03/04/08)
October 2007 - Scopetronix (10/20/07)
February 2004
April 2001
February 2000
December 1999
October 1999
More on CNC Supply (08/31/10)
January 2009 - Update on CNC Supply (01/12/09)
September 2008 - Have I been Astro-beguiled? (09/09/08)
May 2008 - Scopetronix, CNC Parts Supply(05/21/08)
October 2005 (10/03/05)
December 2004 (12/04/04)
August 2004
April 2004
July 2002
June 2002
March 2002
December 2001
June 2001
April 2001
February 2001
January 2001
December 2000
November 2000
October 2000
September 2000
April 2000
March 2000

Go back to my ETX Home Page.

Copyright ©2000-5, 2007-10 Michael L. Weasner /