Last updated: 28 December 2003

Many ETX users have sent examples of their astrophotography. If you have some examples you would like included here please send me a description of how you made the astrophotos and a copy of the images as GIF or JPEG files (due to internet email gateway issues, please send only one image file per message). Send to Alternatively, if you have created your own web page with your examples please let me know and I'll include a link to your site.

"mark mathosian" ( [28 Dec 03]
Happy holidays! Thought your viewers might like to see a moon shot taken with a Coolpix 995 camera on a tripod.
James Jefferson-Wilson James ( [21 Dec 03]
could you please put my lunar pic of the moon in your guest gallery. ETX90EC - Self Timer, D-380 Oylmpus Digital Camera, Meade 18mmWA Eyepiece. Taken on Monday 15th December 2003 Very pleased with it, just starting out.
Excellent Site, very helpful.
James Jefferson
London (UK) [14 Dec 03]
Clear sky->very moisty->bad seeing-> so try the moon. I don't know what crater it is, I do know that 4 hours later it was raining. Couldn't get it sharp, but let's face's a high enlargement. ETX90, toucam, 2*Barlow, 77 stacked out of 1650.
Job Geheniau
The Netherlands (Terry Godfrey) [14 Dec 03]
Click for full-size image (298K)
Yet another moon picture which I hope you might consider for the guest gallery - my first attempt using a Fuji Finepix 6900 (at minimum optical zoom) in afocal mode with a 40mm Plssl on my ETX125 on the evening of 5th December 2003. The single exposure image was flipped in Adobe Photoshop to produce "normal" orientation and a small amount of 'levels' and 'unsharp mask' applied.
Yet another moon picture which I hope you might consider for the guest gallery - my first attempt using a Fuji Finepix 6900, this time at maximum optical zoom, in afocal mode with a 40mm Plssl on my ETX125 on the evening of 5th December 2003. The single exposure image was flipped in Adobe Photoshop to produce "normal" orientation and a small amount of 'levels' and 'unsharp mask' applied.
Yet another moon picture which I hope you might consider for the guest gallery - my first attempt using a Fuji Finepix 6900, this time at maximum optical zoom, in afocal mode with a 40mm Plssl on my ETX125 on the evening of 5th December 2003. The single exposure image was flipped in Adobe Photoshop to produce "normal" orientation and a small amount of 'levels' and 'unsharp mask' applied.
Terry Godfrey, Oxford UK [10 Dec 03]
My first attempt at digital Astrophotography using my ETX 105EC for your Gallery. A composite of the Moon and Saturn. The moon was taken with my wife's Minolta Dimage F-100. (4 Megapixel) Quite happy with this early attempt. Saturn was with My Benq DC2410 (3.1 Megapixel). You can see with Saturn I need to get the exposure right - no use using "auto" settings. I used a 26 x Super Plossel eypeice with a 2 x barlow (& moon filter for the moon shot). What terrific telescopes these are - I wish accessories wern't so expensive though - more so in the UK since Dollars apear to translate directly to Pounds!! (Angela & Jeff Hyde) [20 Nov 03]
Click for full size image (152KB)
Thought you may like to see what can be done with a little patience and a modest (1.3M pixel) Canon PowerShot A30 digital camera to get an 8.6 M pixel image!
The image is a mosaic of 15 individual photo's stitched together with Canon Photostitch software and processed with Arcsoft Photostudio 2000. It was taken through an ETX-125EC, a standard 26mm eypiece and a home made camera adaptor to couple it to the eypiece. The original image is 2794 x 3091 pixels and occupies 24MB as a BMP file so although this image has been reduced to e-mail it still contains much detail. Each individual photo was taken at 1/60 sec at f4.8 using the camera self timer set to 2 seconds to remove any residual vibration from releasing the shutter. I have since made a pneumatic shutter release which overcomes this problem. At least three photo's were taken of each individual area as the seeing was not great and the best photo of each area was selected to create the final image. One problem I did encounter in using AltAz mode is the need to aquire photo's quickly before any noticable field rotation occurs which makes creating a mosaic difficult without causing distortion of the final image.
You have created a wonderful website and valuable resource for all of us around the world with these amazing little telescopes - long may it remain! (Paul) [18 Nov 03]




Here are a few moon shots for the guest gallery. The blue ones were taken with a Scopetronix #80 Blue filter. The full moon shots were taken without a Barlow and the close-ups are with a Barlow. The stats are:
Scopetronix MaxView 40
2x Meade Barlow
Canon G3 at 1x- 4x optical zoom
F5.6 at 1/8-1/125
Processed in Photoshop Elements 2.0 (mark mathosian) [18 Nov 03]


Here are a couple of shots showing a "rare glimpse" of Mare Orientale. Mare Orientale is the youngest large basin on the moon. It is located just beyond the western limb of the moon. To see it, look just south of the dark circular patch of the crater Grimaldi. I darkened one of these photos more than usual so you can see Mare Orientale. All photos were shot with an ETX 90, Cannon Coolpix 995 camera with an 18mm wide angle lens. Photos were shot during early morning daylight hours at around 8:00 am. [7 Nov 03]
Moon Moon
please post to Guest Astrophotographic Gallery - The Moon. Thanks.
Here is an overview of our 'neighbor in the sky', the moon. As long as the moon is NOT full it just fits into the FOV of an ETX-70AT combined with a ToUCam. You see the well known 'face' with dark areas of 'maria' as well as some larger craters. Have a look at the white 'stripes' in the maria; impact material thrown nearly half accross the moon. North is up, East left.
If you want to 'walk around' some details it's a good idea to use more magnification (ETX-125). The next picture shows one of the greatest wall areas, the crater Schickard with about 227 km in diameter. More on the bright side lies the untypical elongated formation of crater Schiller with 179*71 km. May be made out of two craters or an object 'sliding' the moon. Although our 'deek skiers' may hate him, I find it's always worth walking around with your eyes on the moon seeing the many diferent formations. South is up, East left.
Dieter Wolf (Munich, Germany)
Philips ToUCam pro
70: 9 days old moon, November 09th, 2003, 50 out of 150 frames
125: 12 days old moon, November 12th, 2003, 800 out of 1000 frames (Alan H Leutloff) [4 Nov 03]
well the evacuation order for the fires in the San Bernardino Mtns is to be lifted for Big Bear residents tomorrow (Sunday) we plan to head back on Monday morning and hopefully a more peaceful life than that of the last week. Here is a shot of the moon taken this evening under partly cloudy skys from Moreno Valley. Shot taken with my ETX 90-M and a Canon A70 digital camera mounted on a tripod...using automatic exposure...thru my Orion Zoom and 2x Barlow. Features identified using the free moon atlas software: (David Luke) [31 Oct 03]
Attached is a photo of the almost 1st quarter moon taken this evening. Here are the details:
Telescope: ETX-70AT
Eyepiece: 25mm with 2x Barlow, Scopetronix Digi-T adapter
Camera: Kodak LS443 digital, auto mode, no flash, exposure compensation = -1.0
Location: Tampa, FL
Time: 6:07pm (still daylight!)
This is one photo, resized, flipped horizontally and sharpened 1 step in Photoshop. Thanks again for the great site! [24 Oct 03]
That's my last photo of Moon, showing Theophilus crater region. Taken with ETX-90/RA, russian Barlow x2 and ToUcam Pro. About 450 frames stacked and processed in Registax 2. Seeing: poor. More on my webpage (Mrio Pina) [7 Oct 03]
Here goes a photo I take last month with my ETX-70 and my Pentax P30 using "eyepiece projection". I used a Meade camera adapter and a 25mm to make this photo. (jim abbey) [7 Oct 03]
I finally got to go out under a clear sky ,last night! The Weather here in Florida, has been very cloudy (High Clouds)mostly. it finally cleared up .So Out goes me and my scope! The Photo was done with my Aipteck again and My ETX90 ,I have decided not to get a bigger scope this year.I am getting a bigger computer system that is being made with astronomy and photography in mind.My room is getting cluttered and my girlfriend calls it ,"The Lab".Due to my equipment and crazy gadgets! i haven't sent you any photos lately so i thought I would send you this one.My web site is still Down ,so I am going to go with another provider. (paul&steph) [7 Oct 03]
I am attaching a picture which we took on Friday night, our first attempt actually at manually viewing, we know you've seen thousands of moon pictures, but we took this one, and were excited about it. (Madsen, Villy) [30 Sep 03]
ETX-125 and ToUCam, Prime focus... no stacking, a little unsharp [25 Sep 03]
Dieter Wolf (Munich, Germany - the city of the 'Great Bavarian Beer Fest') MEADE ETX-125EC (5" Maksutov-Cassegrain, 1900mm)
Philips ToUCam pro (prime focus)
September 21st, 2003 04:45 CEST (02:45 UTC)
25 frames of 1/50s stacked (K3CCD tools, IrfanView)
This is a view of the SW region of the 25 days old moon. South is up, East left. The crater below Mare Humorum is Gassendi with its three central mountains of up to 1200m height. On the upper side you find Doppelmayer (66 km in diameter), partially filled up with lava. Some 'Rimae' and 'Rupes' and mountain peaks in sunlight can be nicely seen. The triplet of small craters between Gassendi and Doppelmayer have about 6, 5 and 4 km in diameter. (Alan H Leutloff) [18 Sep 03]


Welcome back...I was beginning to get worried. Here are a few recent shots taken with my ETX 70 (Harvest Moon), and my ETX 90-M (composite). All shots were taken with a Canon A70 digital camera held to the eyepiece (26 mm with 2x Barlow-Saturn, and Orion Epic zoon and 2x Barlow for Mars). The composit are superimposed images of the moon, saturn and mars all taken with the ETX 90-M and processed using "Photoimpression" software.
Having lots of enjoyment with my new found hobby...I am a former geologist (and it was my wife's suggestion to purchase a telescope). I used to be early to bed...and not a night how things have changed. your site, (Dave Wallace) [18 Sep 03]
Taken on 9/8 (give or take a couple of days). ETX90 OTA on home-built GOTO mount, Canon Rebel G afocally coupled (26mm eyepiece and 80mm zoom lens). Kodak Ektachrome ISO 200 at (I think) 1/8 second, processed with E-6 by a commercial lab. Scanned with a Nikon Coolscan III scanner. Color corrected (it was a stop underexposed) and sharpened in PhotoShop. Downsampled from the original 3600x2400 scan. Not terrific, but I'm improving, I think. :) (NIX) [18 Sep 03]
Hi there! I bought an ETX-105 (UHTC) last month and I've recently had my first looks at the Moon with it. I took some pictures (handheld) with a Fujifilm 1.5 Megapixel camera (MX-700) and 7mm Vixen Lanthanum eyepiece. Magnification with this eyepiece is 210x. This is one of the better pictures. Enhanced in Photoshop.(levels and unsharp masking) Location: Ghent, Belgium _ 20030914 at 0400 local time. The optics of the ETX proved themselves excellent in viewing the Moon. Sharp!
Dimitri Koens [15 Sep 03]
This is a picture of the moon on September the 3rd, my first attempt. Made with a Meade ETX-105 and a Canon EOS IX7 in Prime Focus. The moon just barely fitted in the frame (a full moon does not fit in the frame!). This picture was manually exposed at about 0.5 second using a black piece of paper in front of the scope and the camera in B-mode! All the other pictures of the moon were exposed with a remote exposure wire, but all were unsharp because of the motion my reflex-camera caused. I'm happy I tried *ONE* exposure manually: a LUCKY shot! Slide was scanned with a Minolta Dimage Scan Speed F-2800. Some color correction was done, but I like to have it a little colored to add some mystique. I added some black background so the image is 1024x768. I use it as a wallpaper on my desktop. More pictures coming soon on
Dimitri Koens, Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands. [30 Aug 03]
my first attempts at astrophotography, thru the ETX90ec UHTC 26mm series super plossl 4000 eye piece using a fuji finepix F401 digital camera hand holding it to the eye piece on full auto a little part of moon is missing at bottom left due to handholding camera, the moon pic is slightly enhanced using microsoft digital image pro,
if anyone knows a piece of kit to have this particular camera properly mounted for future photography i would love to know,

Mike here: See the Helpful Information - Astrophotography page as well as the Accessory Reviews - Astrophotography page for info on attaching your camera. (Bryan Shell) [22 Aug 03]
One of the first moon shots I have taken with my etx-105ec and Nikon D100. It was taken at prime focus. Touch up in Adobe Photoshop 7.0. I also had issues of motor failure due to the weight of the D100. I also tried to take a picture of the ring nebula, but after 3 hours of experimenting all I ended up with was a ring nebula that stretched all the way across the frame of the picture. I am also guessing that this was due to the weight of the D100, or could it be something else I missed, I had the scope aligned in polar mode. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Mike here: If your "ring nebula" was stretched across the frame, that sounds like a tracking problem. Remember, the ETX does not normally track well enough for long duration photography. (C. Nolan Huizenga) [19 Aug 03]
ETX-105 UHTC, 32mm eyepiece, Nikon D100 with 50mm f/1.8 lens, using afocal technique, 1/40 second, f2.8. Cropped, levels adjusted, and sharpened in Photoshop. I had much better luck this way than when I tried mounting the camera at the telescope's prime focus -- in that case the motors grumbled and eventually I got a motor unit fault (would a counterweight help?). Enjoy!
Mike here: Yes, a counterweight could help. [15 Aug 03]
attached is a pick of the moon taken last night 04/08/03, just before it dipped behind the horizon. I am still struggling with Mars though. It is very bright here in the North/West end of Scotland. When I look through my ETX 70AT I do not see any detail at all I have only an 25mm, 18WA, 9mm and 2x +3x Barlow at my disposable. I have been trying for a few nights as it has been great weather up here but still with no success with my Nikon coolpix 4500. any hints would be help full

Mike here: The ETX-70 is a fine wide field instrument. If you are looking to see lots of details in planets, won't happen. Its aperture is just too small to make a lot of detail visible. As to astrophotography hints, see the Helpful Information --> Astrophotography page. (Peter Roelofs) [23 Jul 03]
Here's a nice picture of the moon i took with my ETX 70 on July 8th. Shot with Nikon CP4300 and used Scopetronix Digi-T kit. ISO was set at 100, used a 25mm. eyepiece (if i recall correctely), 1/15 sec. at f/4.9.
Hope u like it and u will post it on your site. Kind regards, P. Roelofs (Mike Luis) [19 Jul 03]
Just wanted to pass on this image I took last night with my ETX 125 and my coolpix 995 camera using my Scopetronix Digi-T system. (mark mathosian) [19 Jul 03]
[Top] Here's a nice cropped shot from 7/16/03.
[Bottom] Here is a close up of maria and mountain ranges from 7/16/03 (mark mathosian) [15 Jul 03]
Click for full size image
here's a nice shot of maria on the moon. etx 90, Nikon Coolpix 995 and 18 mm scopetronix lens. (mark mathosian) [11 Jul 03]
Here's a shot of the moon from 7/8/03 witha Meade ETX90 and Scopetronix 18 mm wide angle lens, Nikon Coolpix 995. (john shaffer) [6 Jul 03]
i just started this hobby...this was taken with etx90 26mm eyepiece canon a60 digital camera using one of canons built in filters ..... thank you...... (ROBERT Derouin) [6 Jul 03]
Yes,it's been a while!!I braved some vicious mosquitoes to shoot a few images of the crescent Moon.Enclosed are a couple of images of the Theophilus crater area.They were shot with the 125etx.The close up was with a 15mm Meade plossl and the wider shot was with the 26mmMeade plossl.These were slightly processed with Microsoft Picture-It software and taken with a Nikon Coolpix 885 digital camera with Scopetronix adapters.Hope you can post them,Mike!!Thanks a lot and keep up the GREAT work on your website!!! (mark mathosian) [28 Jun 03]
I was looking over my lunar eclipse shots from May 15, 2003 and thought you might like to add this colorful shot to your website. (Peter Roelofs) [18 Jun 03]
I'm sending you a picture of the moon I took with my mighty ETX70. Photo was shot june 11th using 25mm eyepiece (standard one with 70) and a Coolpix 4300. Exposure time was 1/500 - f/4.9 and ISO set at 400. Adjusted the contrast a little using photshop Elements. (Korniloff, Ryan S --CONTRACTOR-- MR (L)) [15 Jun 03]
Greetings from Peru,
I recently joined an astronomy group and I had my first outing with them last weekend. Usually the group goes observing once a month when there is a new moon, but everyone (including me) was sick the week before. So this time, the moon was out and I took a few pictures. The image is a wee bit over exposed but I was only experimenting a little and wanted to save battery power for other objects (but forgot to replace the batteries in my telescope and it died half-way thought the night). Let me see if I can remember all of the details.. Photo was taken at 10500ft in Cocachacra, Peru on Saturday June 7th, 2003 using my ETX125EX UHTC with a Scoptronix eyepiece adapter and Kodak DC4800 digital camera. This is the original untouched image.
Great site you have! [12 Jun 03]
The Moon take from ETX125: Minolta Dinax 5. Agfa Vista 100. T-Connector. 2300 l.
Best Regards.
Kirill. Moskov. (Erwin Matys) [12 Jun 03]
pls find attached an image of Archimedes with Rima Fresnel, Rima Hadley & Rima Bradley.
Equipment: ETX-90RA, Logitech Quickcam Pro, 2x Barlow
Filter: none
Images: 99 stacked
Processing: Registax and Photoshop
Location: Vienna, Austria
Seeing: very good (1-2)
Date: 7th May 2003
More at Nightflight: [4 Jun 03]
ETX90+2020Z+40mm Plossl (eyepieceprojection)
Job Geheniau
The Netherlands (mark mathosian) [31 May 03]
Here's a moon shot for you. [25 May 03]
shot this 5/24/03 - Meade ETX 90 with 32 mm lens and Nikon Coolpix 995. [19 May 03]
here's a nice moon shot done with my ETX 90. (Jean Harding) [16 May 03]
took this pic with my etx 125. (Michael COURNOYER) [16 May 03]
Another Moon Picture with the ETX-105 using a 26MM eyepiece and the Nikon Digital 885 camera. (Michael COURNOYER) [13 May 03]
Enclosed is a picture of the Moon using a Nikon Digital Camera. [13 May 03]
Here are my first attemps at the moon. taken with an etx-90, 40mm eyepiece, and a nikon cp995. made the best of a night where deep sky objects were washed out by the moon light. hope you can use them. (antonio) [13 May 03]
foto de la luna, con un etx 70 y ocular de 20 mm,acoplada una coolpix 4300/4megapixels desde madrid (leganes). tiene un pequeo retoque en el fondo debido a que esta hecha la foto durante el atardecer. [9 May 03]
Moon Moon
Here are two new shots from May 7, 2003 at about 7:30 p.m. Shot with ETX 90. (divenuts) [6 May 03]
I went outside last night and noticed a stunning Crescent moon with clear skies. I grabbed my ETX-125,slipped in a 40mm eyepiece,hooked up a CP995 and took a single photo. (mark mathosian) [21 Apr 03]


I am sending you three nice shots of the moon from April 19, 2003. All were shot with my Coolpix 995 and Scopetronix 18 mm wide angle lens attached to my Meade ETX90 scope. (Steve Beam) [17 Apr 03]
Here's another moon shot - more images are in the comments at the link. A slight improvement over my first moon image. Not quite a full moon yet. This image consists of 27 layers. Using the Nikon 5700 at 8X zoom,the long Raynox tube, Scopetronix MaxView 40 and trusty ETX Model M telescope I took shots of detailed sections of the moon. These parts were then combined to form the whole. The reslting image when complete was 12X18 at 400 ppi. I then split this into quarters and made 4 12X18 prints at 200 ppi to create a 24X36 poster on Epson Profession Glossy Media with the 2000P. (CLAUDIO CUSTODIO) [10 Apr 03]
photo taken in melbourne australia w/ etx125 w/supplied 26mm supper plossl camera was hand held to the eyepiece ( nikon coolpix 2000 ) the exposure time was 1/175 (mark mathosian) [31 Mar 03]
Both shot with a Meade ETX 90 and Nikon Coolpix camera with lens adapter. (Hector Alanis) [31 Mar 03]
I send you a picture of Copernicus and surrounding area. This picture was taken with a Creative Labs web cam at prime focus with a ETX 125. I have not been successful with Jupiter and saturn so far, I am still working. Congratulation for your new 8 SC lxd55.
Greetings from Monterrey Mexico. (Andy Graham) [25 Mar 03]
This lunar photo of Bailiy and Schiller was taken on March 15th, 2003 - 21:15UT. The photo was shot with my ETX-105-UHTC and Olympus 2040 camera, using a ScopeTronix Digi-T adapter to allow me to attach a 25mm EP to the camera. The photo was taken from my home in Derbyshire, England.The image has not been processed.
Great Web site! (Beam, Steve) [21 Mar 03]
Just wanted to say thanks for directing me to the MaxView40 for my ETX scope. The link below will take you to my moon shot.
Steve (Thomas Hjortevang) [18 Mar 03]
Thanks for a great site, really helped me alot!
I attached a photo of the moon taken with a friends Canon Ixus V2 through a 26 mm eyepice, then some unsharp mask in Photoshop.
Scope: ETX125
Thomas Hjortevang

Mike here: I did some Levels adjustment to brighten the image and enhance the contrast. (a.hatwood) [23 Feb 03]
I thought you might like this one for your Lunar page. The image is made up of 5 shots stacked with Astro stack, and the contrast increased. I used an ETX 125, and a QuickCam Web at prime focus. The area shown is of the Eastern Alps. What caught my eye with this photo, was the length of the mountain shadows. I think the shadow from Mt. Piton (8200ft) is about 17 miles in length! [19 Feb 03]
please find attached a Moon picture of the south-south-west crater Clavius region. Munich, Germany (city backyard), MEADE ETX-125EC (5" / 1900mm), Philips ToUCam pro (Prime Focus), February 12th, 2003, 21:25 MEZ
Software: Giotto, 50 out of 250 pictures
This is nice to compare with the picture of Gerald Wechselberger - a little further down on this page - shot at the same date with his ETX-125EC and Olympus 2020 digital camera. On both pictures we see details down to abt. 3 km. But to be honest, Gerald, I like your picture more... (Gerald Wechselberger) [16 Feb 03]
Moon Moon
As the weather this week became as an exeption pretty good it was a MUST to get the ETX125 out into the night to do some astrofotography with the Olympus 2020 Digitalcamera. Part one was to produce some Moon pictures. So, please find attached 2 small images of the moon from February 12th. First crater Clavius, this a stacked image out of 4 single shots, second crater Gassendi, i stacked 6 single shots. Stacking was done with IMAGEPLUS.
Thanks for keeping the ETX world interesting and active. (Scott) [16 Feb 03]
here is a photo of the moon using my Coolpix 4500, a Meade ETX 70AT and a Scopetronics 18mm wide angle Taken on the 11th of Feb, I have not done anything to this as I do not know how yet, so guess I was lucky. I would be very pleased if you could enter it into your sites moon pics. It was taken in The western Isles, an Island off Scotland, Thanks for the help you have given me in the past (Josh/Ari Teasdale/Knight) [9 Feb 03]
My first moon picture that actually turned out!! Taken through the scope on 400 fuji slide film, and the time unknown (using hat trick method). (mark mathosian) [9 Feb 03]
Here's a photo of the moon I shot on 2/6/03 with my ETX90 and Coolpix 995 camera. It was sharpened one level with Adobe Photoshop, cropped and enlarged. [26 Jan 03]
Moon shots of 1/26/03 at 5:15 a.m. from Naples, Florida. Photos shot with a Nikon Coolpix 995 digital camera - ScopeTronix 18 mm telephoto lens attached. Camera set to Manual (M) mode with lens set to infinity. Camera self-time used at 3 seconds or ten seconds. Zoom on camera also used for some shots. (Upendra Moholkar) [19 Jan 03]
This is a picture of Moon I took yesterday night using my new ETX 90 EC with 26mm plossl and Canon S30 camera. My first shot at astrophotography. (mark mathosian) [13 Jan 03]
Here's a moon shot from this evening. Earth's moon - January 11, 2003 at 6:30 p.m. Meade ETX 90EC telescope using ScopeTronix, Inc. 18mm wide angle lens and Nikon CoolPix 995 camera at wide angle. Shot by Mark Mathosian, Naples, Florida (sharpened by 2 adjustments, contrast enhanced and flipped to proper position) with Adobe Photoshop.

Return to the top of this page.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 2002 for photos posted in 2002.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 2001 for photos posted in 2001.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 2000 for photos posted in 2000.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 1998-99 for photos taken 1998 and 1999.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 1996-97 for photos taken 1996 and 1997.

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Submittals Copyright © 2003 by the Submitter