Submitted by: [31 Dec 04] |
braved the cold just before xmas. Here is a shot of the moon taken on 12_18_04 with my ETX 125, and toucam pro set on automatic and stacked with registax (25 f/sec for 15 sec). Processed using Photoshop Elements and "smart blur" filter. Looks great as wall paper. Happy New Year. Clear Sky's...Alan
Submitted by: ( [27 Dec 04] |
a few days before Xmas we had beautiful winter weather here in southern
Germany - a lot of snow, 12 degrees below freezing, crystal clear nights
with twinkling stars. I was in the garden to look for comet Machholz with
my binoculars - but that's a different story.
Here is a picture of the southern polar region of the moon (craters
Clavius, Longomontanus, Tycho) done with the ETX-70AT plus 3x barlow and
ToUCam pro at prime focus (Munich, Germany; 2004-12-21; 17:45 CET).
I think this is a pretty one for the ETX-70AT. The smallest craters visible
inside of Clavius are 9km in diameter. Being close to the limits with 3x
barlow (f/15, 1050mm focal length!) and ToUCam at prime focus
(magnification round about 150x) this small scope shows a lot of details.
10 frames at 1/250s each out of 230 manually selected, stacked and
processed (Giotto, PaintShop pro). And the 'joke' behind that - I shot it
from INSIDE my house through the closed window with the telescope sitting
in front of the radiator. If anyone would have asked me if it is of use to
do so I'd just have told him to forget it... Think I have to change my
Submitted by: Patrick Rogers-Ostema ( [27 Dec 04] |
This is one of my first attempts at astrophotography. The camera used
was a canon A85 and the telescope was a 130mm reflector. I used the
afocal method and focused the camera to my eye and then mounted the
camera to the lens. I set the focus manually to infinity and the ISO
to 400. I have attached both the original image and the touched up
version. Any suggestions about how to achieve a better quality image
would be very appreciated.
Submitted by: Gordon McGowan ( [27 Dec 04] |
Attached are a couple of lunar images made with the
ETX-70AT. Hope you find them of interest.
19th December 2004, 20:00 UTC, Nottingham, U.K.
1) First Quarter Moon: Meade ETX-70AT, Vixen Lanthanum
9mm, Baader Contrast Booster filter, Nikon Coolpix
4300 digital camera.
2) Vallis Alpes and Imbrium region: same equipment
with Meade 3x Barlow.
Submitted by: Mike ( [23 Dec 04] |
Got an LPI and was antsy to give it a try. Attached is a shot with an ETX-70AT with
less than favorable conditions, but for a first try I think it looks
pretty good.
Submitted by: Gordon McGowan ( [17 Dec 04] |
please find attached a couple of lunar images made
with the ETX-70AT on the morning of 4th December 2004.
Equipment used:
full image of the Moon Vixen Lanthanum 10mm eyepiece,
Baader Contrast Booster filter, Nikon Coolpix 4300
digital camera.
Craters image: same setup, but with Meade ETX 3x
I am relatively inexperienced in this area of
photography, so these images could certainly be
improved on. The work displayed in your Web site, is a
great inspiration for what is possible with the
portable equipment from Meade.
Nottingham, England.

Submitted by: chasiotis elias ( [14 Dec 04] |
I send you my first images of the moon.I used Registax 2 and made no frame selection.Thank you.
Submitted by: Marco Schneider ( [10 Oct 04] |
this Picture was taken with Meade ETX-70, 2x barlowlens, ToUCam Pro II in
Rawmode. The Picture was stacked with Registax 2 and optimised with
Neatimage and Irfanview.
Oh yes, I really love your Website, Mike!!! Go on!!!
Submitted by: Jerome Avondo ( [3 Oct 04] |
My very first astrophotography attempts. Moon shots from Norwich, UK.
Taken with an ETX-70, Toucam pro and 2x Barlow for close-ups. Used QCFocus, RegiStax2 and Photoshop.
Converted to grayscale and brightness, contrast, sharpness corrected in Photoshop.
Any comments suggestions welcome. Oh yeah, pics are upside down.
BTW absolutely great website the reference ETX site! Great work.
 Click for full size image (228K)