Last updated: 28 March 2004

Some ETX users have sent me examples of their astrophotography. If you have some examples you would like included here please send me a description of how you made the astrophotos and a copy of the images as GIF or JPEG files (due to internet email gateway issues, please send only one image file per message). Send to Alternatively, if you have created your own web page with your examples please let me know and I'll include a link to your site. [28 Mar 04]
Moon Mars Venus
nice sky picture. Moon Mars and Venus. Thanks for posting.
Job Geheniau
The Netherlands
Dave Wallace ( [25 Mar 04]
Moon, Venus, Pleiades
Another shot from last night's session: the moon, Venus and the Pleiades. In order for M45 to show up, I had to "burn" the moon badly. But that brought out the Earthshine, so it wasn't a bad thing. [22 Mar 04]
This attached picture is 30 minutes old. Enjoy!
Job Geheniau
The Netherlands [8 Mar 04]
Iridium Flare
I tried my second Iridium Flare and this one was much brighter (-5m) as I was only a few kilometers off the central line and I could see the satellite's week light before and after the flare.
Dieter Wolf (Munich, Germany); 2004-03-05 19:36 CET (18:36 UTC); Kodak DX6490 (4MP, 105mm focal length, ISO 80, f3.2, 16s) IRIDIUM FLARE (-5m) in Ursae Minoris (brightest star is Kochab, 2m)
Becky ( [4 Mar 04]
Please could you include this picture of Venus on your gallery, it was my first attempt using my new manual Pentax MZM camera. The Picture was taken on 19 Feb 04 at around 18:30. I used a cable release, 50mm lens, F2.8 and using B setting, and was exposed for approx 2/3 secs. [4 Mar 04]
sky sky sky sky sky
4 startrail pictures made on a starparty in a dark area in The Netherlands (it still exists) and one gifmovie to see that the earth is really spinning :-) Made while my ETX90 was running on deep sky with a normal camera. 50 mm F 4.0 Kodak Elitechrome ISO 200/ exposure 20 minutes, no guiding of course. This is real fun to take these kind of pictures! Not too difficult and beautiful to see. [26 Feb 04]
quickly drop you two pictures for 'The Sky' gallery. Thanks for posting.
Dieter Wolf (Munich, Germany); 2004-02-24 18:35 CET; Kodak DX6490 Digital Camera (ISO 200, f/4, 170mm equivalent to 24x36mm film, 1s exposure)
[Top] 4 days old Moon about 5 degrees above Venus in the early evening sky (cropped to website size)
[Bottom] the Moon cut out in original size from picture1 with 4m.3 star Omega PSC (30 minutes before occultation)
Astrophotography without a telescope? - why not!
david ( [26 Feb 04]
Moon and Mars
The conjunction of the moon and Mars. 02/25/04 at 23:25 UTC. Details: Canon Digital Rebel, ISO 100, F=425mm (effective) f/8 at 1/50. Contrast enhanced and sharpened in PhotoShop. Down-sampled by about 30% and cropped. [26 Feb 04]
Moon and Venus
Sometimes, amateur astronomy can be nice without an ETX and with clouds! Moon and Venus in The Netherlands today. You can see the weather here, it's not ok, but for this kind of photographs......
Job Geheniau
The Netherlands, it's snowing now....:-(
Olympus C2020Z 2.1 megapixel
Iso 200
F 2.8 / 1/6 second exposure
david ( [23 Feb 04]
Moon Venus
The conjunction of the moon and Venus 02/23/2004. Taken about 1/2 hour before local sunset. Details:
Photographed with a Canon Digital Rebel using a 270 mm telephoto lens (effective focal length of around 425 mm), f/8 at about 1/300, ISO 100. Color temperature, brightness and contrast adjusted in PhotoShop and an uinsharp mask applied. Down sampled 3:1 and cropped to 1024x768 for web presentation. [23 Feb 04]
My first try with an IRIDIUM satellite. I expected the 'Iridium Flare' to be something like a flash, but it wasn't. The trail of light had a visible increase and decrease in intensity on its way through the northern parts of Orion close to Beteigeuze (Iridium 17 on February 16th, 19:10 CET) In the second, magnified picture you see that the light was pulsing probably because of the satellites rotation. As the Iridium satellites are between 5m and 7m bright - outside of the flares - with a more sensitive exposure you should be able to catch the complete trail; we'll try some day...
Dieter Wolf (Munich, Germany)
Kodak DX6490, ISO 80, 38mm (equivalent to 24x36mm film), f/2.8, 16s
kevin keyes ( [8 Feb 04]
Moon and Venus

Moon and Venus

After checking for updates to the "Mighty ETX Star Party", I decided to see if anyone had sent you any new photos.
I didn't find any of the recent Moon and Venus get-together. These 2 shots were taken in my backyard. I used my Canon Digital Rebel/300D and a 75-300mm Zoom on a photo tripod. One photo was 1/60 sec. and the other was longer to capture Earthshine( I don't remember what). You might post these to the "Sky" folder.
It was very cold that night here in Michigan so I didn't set up the ETX-125.
p.s. Any news on a new site and date for the Star Party?
Mike here: Only what is posted on the Site. I will post any updates when something is known.
Tommy Lim ( [28 Jan 04]
These are my latest astrophotos from Kota Kinabalu,Sabah,Malaysia. I am very lucky because that night got power failure around my housing area. :-) so, I enjoyed it very much. Hope everyone of you also the same! All these are not original photos, filtering of noise already done by me :-) Nikon CP4500 camera setting and photos info, taken by fisheye lens:
MODE : M SHUTTER : 32.60sec APERTURE : F2.6 EXP +/- : 0.0 FOCAL LENGTH : f7.9mm(X1.0) IMG ADJUST : AUTO SENSITIVITY : ISO200 WHITEBAL : AUTO SHARPNESS : AUTO DATE : 22.01.2004 21:14 QUALITY : 1280x960 FINE [25 Jan 04]
Moon and Venus
2 months bad weather. Only a few hours to take the moon and Venus.
Job Geheniau
The Netherlands
Tommy Lim KW ( [19 Jan 04]


These are the photos that I taken from my lovely digital Camera-Nikon CP4500 with setting listed below:
Place          : SEAPARK,PJ Malaysia
DATE          : 14.01.2004 19:59
MODE         : P
SHUTTER      : 1.00sec
APERTURE     : F2.6
FOCAL LENGTH : f7.9mm(X1.0)
QUALITY      : 1280x960 FINE
(( The short line in the center of the photo was ISS))
Place        : SEAPARK,PJ Malaysia
DATE         : 14.01.2004 20:00
MODE         : M
SHUTTER      : 8.00sec
APERTURE     : F2.6
FOCAL LENGTH : f7.9mm(X1.0)
QUALITY      : 1280x960
((The long line near the roof top was ISS))
* All the photos are taken with an inexpensive fish-eye lense.

See the Guest Sky Astrophotography Archive for photos posted in 2003.

See the Guest Sky Astrophotography Archive for photos posted in 2002.

See the Guest Sky Astrophotography Archive for photos posted in 2001.

See the Guest Sky Astrophotography Archive for photos posted in 2000.

See the Guest Sky Astrophotography Archive for earlier photos.

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