Last updated: 4 November 2007

Some ETX users have sent me examples of their astrophotography. If you have some examples you would like included here please send me a description of how you made the astrophotos and a copy of the images as GIF or JPEG files (due to internet email gateway issues, please send only one image file per message). Send to Alternatively, if you have created your own web page with your examples please let me know and I'll include a link to your site. You will also find astrophotography examples on the Helpful Information - Astrophotography page.

Submitted by: Stephan Krah ( [4 Nov 07]
with cloudy skies in Germany its time to process latest shots. Attached you find M15, these shots were taken 3 weeks ago. Done 140 shots with exposure 20 sec. each, I stacked 20% out of 40 hand selected ones. ETX125 w. IR-Filter and 0.5x focal reducer on Meade DSI. Contrast adjusted to work out the outer regions of this brilliant globular cluster. I hope its worth to be posted. Thanks for your great site and your support of amateur astronomy.
Submitted by: Renee Ann Wirick ( [5 Aug 07]
ere's another shot from my little ETX 80, this time M11. The sky was much nicer last night than it has been, unfortunately all my other shots wound up with some sort of weird arc shaped reflection so I tossed them. I am going to the Autumn Equinox Camp next month, the largest star part in England, and am hoping to get some lovely shots in the dark skies there!
Submitted by: Maurice Gavin ( [4 Jul 07]
Hi Mike - brilliant and invaluable site!
May I submit the attached sample images for your Guest Astrophotography Gallery taken with my recently acquired ETX-70 coupled to my decade old Starlight Xpress MX916 mono CCD camera. Each is the composite of short sub-exposures from 5sec to 20sec [dependent on drive accuracy for the evening] and totally between 120s - 500s. I'm amazed at the detail and stellar penetration to mag 15 and fainter with this tiny 'scope from my garden site just 10 miles from central London with a population in millions.
My homepage has more samples and links to homemade accessories and ETX piggyback imaging.
photo photo photo photo

See the Guest Deep Sky Archive 2007 for photos posted February-June 2007.

See the Guest Deep Sky Archive 2006 for photos posted October-December 2006.

See the Guest Deep Sky Archive 2006 for photos posted August-September 2006.

See the Guest Deep Sky Archive 2006 for photos posted March-July 2006.

See the Guest Deep Sky Archive 2006 for photos posted January-February 2006.

See the Guest Deep Sky Archive 2005 for photos posted October-November 2005.

See the Guest Deep Sky Archive 2005 for photos posted August-September 2005.

See the Guest Deep Sky Archive 2005 for photos posted April-July 2005.

See the Guest Deep Sky Archive 2005 for photos posted January-March 2005.

See the Guest Deep Sky Archive 2004 for photos posted October-December 2004.

See the Guest Deep Sky Archive 2004 for photos posted July-September 2004.

See the Guest Deep Sky Archive 2004 for photos posted April-June 2004.

See the Guest Deep Sky Archive 2004 for photos posted January-March 2004.

See the Guest Deep Sky Archive 2003 for photos posted in 2003.

See the Guest Deep Sky Archive 2002 for photos posted in 2002.

See the Guest Deep Sky Archive 2001 for photos posted in 2001.

See the Guest Deep Sky Archive 2000 for photos posted in 2000.

See the Guest Deep Sky Archive 1999 for photos taken 1999 and earlier.

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