Last updated: 18 July 2009

Some ETX users have sent me examples of their astrophotography. If you have some examples you would like included here please send me a description of how you made the astrophotos and a copy of the images as GIF or JPEG files (due to internet email gateway issues, please send only one image file per message). Send to Alternatively, if you have created your own web page with your examples please let me know and I'll include a link to your site.

Submitted by: Jurgen Blust ( [18 Jul 09]
I send you three pictures of the sun, shot with a Panasonic LUMIX through my brand new Coronado P.S.T. with eyepiece projection (Vixen LV 10 mm). It took some time to find out the right technique and the settings for the camera...
I am extremely happy with the results from yesterday, and I hope you enjoy the pics just as much as I do.
Click image to see a larger, more detailed version.
photo photo photo

See the Guest Sun Archive 2008 for photos posted in 2008.

See the Guest Sun Archive 2007 for photos posted in 2007.

See the Guest Sun Archive 2006 for photos posted in 2006.

See the Guest Sun Archive 2005 for photos posted September-December 2005.

See the Guest Sun Archive 2005 for photos posted May 2005.

See the Guest Sun Archive 2005 for photos posted January - March 2005.

See the Guest Sun Archive 2004 for photos posted in 2004.

See the Guest Sun Archive 2003 for photos posted in 2003.

See the Guest Sun Archive 2002 for photos posted in 2002.

See the Guest Sun Archive 2001 for photos posted in 2001.

See the Guest Sun Archive 2000 for photos posted in 2000.

See the Guest Sun Archive 1997-99 for photos taken in 1997, 1998, and 1999.

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