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Partial Solar Eclipse

Posted: 14 October 2023

Sunset, Friday, 13 October 2023, the night before the Solar Eclipse.


SkyTracker Pro
150-600mm lens
8X smartphone telephoto lens
Solar filters
SUNoculars 8x32

iPhone 13 Pro Max

The 14 October 2023 Annular Solar Eclipse was visible in the northeastern corner of Arizona. I stayed home in southern Arizona to view the Partial Solar Eclipse. The Sun's diameter would be 85% covered by the Moon. Sunrise had some thin clouds, but the sky was forecast to be clear before the eclipse started at 0811 MST. Mid-eclipse would be at 0933 MST, with the end at 1104 MST.

0730 MST: I began setting up just north of my observatory to observe the eclipse. I mounted the Nikon D850 DSLR with Tamron 150-600mm lens on the iOptron SkyTracker Pro. The Explore Scientific Sun Catcher Solar Filter was used on the telephoto lens. There were some clouds.


I photographed the partial phases every 20 minutes before mid-eclipse and every 30 minutes after mid-eclipse. During the eclipse I used solar eclipse glasses and the Lunt SUNoculars 8x32 to view the eclipse.

D850 DSLR images were taken at f/8, 1/1600sec, ISO 800, FL 600mm. This image is a montage of the eclipse. The Moon is shown moving from the right to the left (West to East) across the Sun.

Click or tap on image for larger version

This is mid-eclipse.


I also did some eclipse images using the iPhone 13 Pro Max using the NightCap Camera app. These images were taken using the Spectrum Telescope Smartphone 8X Telephoto Kit with Solar Filter (1X lens).


This iPhone image was taken through solar eclipse glasses (3X lens).


At mid-eclipse I took this iPhone photo of crescent Suns through trees.


Shortly before the eclipse ended I saw the Praying Mantis enjoying the sunshine.


Later, I added this temperature measurement chart from my weather station. Notice the temperature drop beginning about 9 AM as maximum eclipse approached.


Viewing the Solar Eclipse was fun and good practice for next April's Total Solar Eclipse.

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