Last updated: 27 December 2004

Some ETX users have sent me examples of their astrophotography. If you have some examples you would like included here please send me a description of how you made the astrophotos and a copy of the images as GIF or JPEG files (due to internet email gateway issues, please send only one image file per message). Send to Alternatively, if you have created your own web page with your examples please let me know and I'll include a link to your site.

Submitted by: ( [27 Dec 04]
Just a quick posting for Guest Astrophotography Gallery - Sky: a lunar halo on December 25th shot with digital camera KODAK DX6490, 38mm equivalent focal length, f/2.8, 4s, ASA400 (as with most digital cameras there is no real wide angle)
Dieter (Munich, Germany)
Lunar Halo
Submitted by: chasiotis elias ( [27 Dec 04]
It is amazing that with the Autostar you can see bright stars in full daylight. (My personal record is Adhara m +1.5).
Also i send you my first broad daylight Mercury image.
Submitted by: Niall Saunders ( [4 Dec 04]
I'm still busy trying to find time to complete my roll-off-roof observatory (for the LX90 and ETX-105, as well as a fun old Russian Newt), but thought this fine picture of an Aurora would be of interest. Despite having been published in the local newspaper recently, after the wonderful show that so many of us enjoyed, this was actually taken during LAST November's (2003, that is) magnificent display.
This is one of some 200 exposures I shot that night, all with my Olympus C-3030Z, many just with the camera sitting on a pillow on the window ledge of my upstairs hallway. The exposure time was 15s, fully wide-angle (f1.8), triggered with the IR Remote supplied with the camera.
It was my huge success with these pictures that I realised that I would have enough basic control of the Olympus camera to justify buying a new telescope - and, thanks to the feedback and wealth of information on your site, I soon found myself the proud owner of the ETX-105.
(You may remember me calling it 'the scope from hell', before I realised all the mistakes that I was making. Even the missing Azimuth end-stop, a fault that I have now fixed myself, did nothing to stop me having some wonderful evenings with my 'baby' Meade.)
And, Mr. Geheniau - you are setting some wonderful challenges with your images - weather and (future) wife permitting, I hope to rise to your challenge, and see if my new C-8080Z and LX-90 can come anywhere close to your stunning achievements.
Clears skies, and a happy festive season to one and all.
Aberdeen, SCOTLAND
Submitted by: [4 Dec 04]
Now that my ETX 70 Go To is working, I was able to image a newly discovered nova in the early hours of Saturday morning. An inverted image is also attached. This nova was discovered by Tago and Sakurai 22nd November 2004 in the constellation Puppis and reported in IAU Circular 8443.
Nova Nova
Submitted by: [23 Nov 04]
Moon and airplane with simple digital camera. 8 seconds (count the airplane lights :-))
Submitted by: Craig J. Kopra ( [14 Nov 04]
What a remarkable display it was and hardly a cloud in the sky for a change! Here are two images from Sunday night both taken with an Olympus C-770. Both were taken just before 9pm. Pictures sometimes does no justice for auroras! Buffalo, NY.
Aurora Aurora
Submitted by: Rick ( [10 Nov 04]
We have not seen auroras like this for sometime. For the Peterborough area in southern Ontario, this is quite a nice display. The attached images were taken around 9:30 p.m. EST, with a Coolpix 995, 200 ASA, f/2.7, for around 30 seconds. Peterborough, Ont.
Aurora Aurora Aurora
The Moon, Jupiter, Venus and Mars were all aglow in the morning twilight. The "close-up" image does not have Mars included, but the others do. It was a cool -8 degrees C this morning, but the wind was light and the clouds were thin. The attached image is overlooking Rice Lake, at Keene, Ontario. The image was taken with a Coolpix 995 camera, at f/3.0 and about 10 seconds.
Submitted by: [5 Nov 04]
Jupiter/Venus conjuction. Just through the open window of my attic before I had to go to work and had to hurry after this exposure :-) They just fitted in my 40mm eyepiece projection!
Submitted by: Dave Wallace ( [5 Nov 04]
This was today's view of the conjunction of Venus and Jupiter. (The faint star at the left edge of the photo is Gamma Virgo, magnitude 3.5.) Cropped and down-sized from an image taken with a Canon Digital Rebel 300D camera with a 200 mm telephoto zoom lens. (The cropped image represents a field of view of approximately 5.5 degrees, which coincidentally is about the size of the field of maximum sharpness of human vision.) 2004.11.05.1045 UTC, 42.6N x 71.4W.
Submitted by: Rick ( [5 Nov 04]
The attached are a few images from this mornings conjunction. These are from Peterborough, Ontario, from a vantage point that got above the heavy morning fog/mist that obscured all the low lying areas. The weather is predicted to be very bad the next few days (rain and wet snow), so these are likely the only chance we will get in this part of the province, to see the nice alignment of these two worlds. The twilight was quite nice in the end and well worth the 5:00 a.m. rising and the minus 2 degree temperature.
I used a Nikon Coolpix camera, set at 400 ASA, for approximately 8 to 4 seconds per exposure (f/3.3). These were all taken between 5:45 and 6:00 a.m.
Submitted by: [5 Nov 04]
as I am still 'living out of boxes' (move to a new location) there is no time left for astronomy; only the digital photo is available.
A really bright Iridium Flare (abt. -5m) close to Atair / Aquila in the still blueish evening sky on 2004-10-28 18:58 CEST (16:58 UTC) with KODAK DX6490 (4MP; 38mm; f/2.8; 16s; ISO 80)
Hope to be able to do astronomy again soon.
Iridium flare

See the Guest Sky Astrophotography Archive for photos posted in April - October 2004.

See the Guest Sky Astrophotography Archive for photos posted in January - March 2004.

See the Guest Sky Astrophotography Archive for photos posted in 2003.

See the Guest Sky Astrophotography Archive for photos posted in 2002.

See the Guest Sky Astrophotography Archive for photos posted in 2001.

See the Guest Sky Astrophotography Archive for photos posted in 2000.

See the Guest Sky Astrophotography Archive for earlier photos.

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