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Last updated: 4 January 2012

As announced on 6 December 2011, effective with the first ETX Site update in January 2012, I no longer post submittals on the Guest Astrophotography galleries or my own ETX astrophotography on the ETX Site. This decision was made for several reasons, including the decreased number of submittals from ETX users over the past few years. ETX astrophotography is not decreasing in popularity; users are increasingly posting their ETX astrophotography on their own personal web sites or blogs, Twitter, Facebook, and other photo and video sharing sites. In my own case, I post my ETX and other telescopes astrophotography on my Cassiopeia Observatory reports.

If you are sharing your ETX astrophotography, be certain I have linked to your website, blog, or sharing site on the Astronomy Links page or the Social Media List page. The existing Astrophotography Galleries are being preserved to showcase what ETX users have done with the various ETX models. Use the links below.

Astrophotography used as part of a question, tip, or review article is acceptable (and encouraged) and will posted on the appropriate Helpful Information: Astrophotography or Accessory Reviews: Astrophotography pages.

My Astrophotography Gallery
The Sun
Solar Eclipse
The Moon
Lunar Eclipse
The Planets
Transit of Mercury
Deep Sky

Guest Astrophotography Gallery
The Sun
Solar Eclipse
The Moon
Lunar Eclipse
The Planets
Transit of Mercury
Transit of Venus
Deep Sky

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Copyright © 2012 Michael L. Weasner /