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Last updated: 31 December 2011

Many ETX users have sent examples of their astrophotography. If you have some examples you would like included here please send me a description of how you made the astrophotos and a copy of the images as GIF or JPEG files (due to internet email gateway issues, please send only one image file per message). Send to Alternatively, if you have created your own web page with your examples please let me know and I'll include a link to your site.

Submitted by: [31 Dec 11]

I captured an image today, pretty cold so didn't want to take that many. ISO400 Shutter speed 1/100


Submitted by: Maurice Collins ( [31 Dec 11]

The clouds that have been hanging around all day parted and let me get an image of the Moon tonight. Mare Crisium was looking nice, and so was Langrenus, which as I was looking at it through the eyepiece, it reminded me that 43 years ago Apollo 8 took a great photo of that crater at Christmas 1968 and splashed down in the early morning hours on Dec 28 NZT.


Submitted by: [27 Dec 11]

Here's a photo I took with a yellow filter on, showing some nice creaters at the bottom Sorry, but I have deleted it off my card, and can't remember the settings.


Submitted by: Maurice Collins ( [21 Dec 11]

I woke up later than I hoped this morning, so I grabbed the ETX-90 quickly to get some images of the Moon rather than the C8. The sky was getting quite bright by the time I was done. So not as good as yesterdays view, but here is the Moon this morning just after 5am local.


Submitted by: Maurice Collins ( [9 Dec 11]

Here is the Moon around midnight last night, December 7, (70th anniversary of the date that has lived in infamy the attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii). Just got it processed, so sorry for the delay. Taken with the ETX-90.


Here is tonights Moon, Dec 8 with the ETX-90.


Here is tonight's Moon, Dec 9. Seeing was very poor, like looking through a river. A-V. Earlier, just before I went out with the telescope, my wife spotted a jet contrail being lit by moonlight. Snapped some shots handheld propped on a table. All blurred but here is the best one. Never seen that effect before, very pretty.



Submitted by: Maurice Collins ( [6 Dec 11]

Here is the Moon from tonight, Dec 6. Seeing was bad again (A-IV), but least the clouds were far and few between. Good to get some scope time at the eyepiece too.


Submitted by: Maurice Collins ( [3 Dec 11]

Here is the Moon from tonight taken with the ETX-90. Seeing was about A-III and there were a few clouds at times, but mainly clear. I did a lot of visual observing later at 186X and using my Hatfield SCT lunar atlas for navigation. The view was very clear, similar detail visible to the 2xbarlow image of Theophilus region. An enjoyable session with the Moon tonight.



Submitted by: Maurice Collins ( [30 Nov 11]

Here is the Moon from Nov 29 with my ETX-90. First clear night in many Moons!


Submitted by: Maurice Collins ( [8 Nov 11]

Here is the Moon on Halloween, and earlier in October with the ETX-90. It has been quite cloudy of late here.




Submitted by: [8 Oct 11]

My first attempt this year at taking a photo of the moon. Didn't have time to adjust the speed, those pesky clouds. Taken with a Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ7 camera and a Meade ETX125AT scope. Settings 1/50 ISO80, with a moon filter on a 32mm eyepiece. They will only get better.


Submitted by: Tom Murphy ( [8 Oct 11]

I had to go the cheapest way I could, and I finally have gotten to a point where I have something I can use. I have a Weaver 125 (basically a Meade ETX-125 UHTC with tripod mount). I adopted it to a Telestar clamshell mount and got a 497 controller for it. It works pretty well, and with an older Orion afocal adapter, got this picture with my Canon SD1300 IS last night. (26mm lens on the ETX).


Submitted by: Maurice Collins ( [4 Oct 11]

Here are a couple of images of the Moon from a few days ago with the ETX-90/RA. It is Spring here in New Zealand so the Moon is sitting high at the early phases.



Submitted by: Maurice Collins ( [11 Sep 11]

Here are images with the ETX-90. Even though I have an 8" SCT I am still finding the views through my ETX to be as good. I've been doing visual observing using my Meade UWA 6.7mm eyepiece (at 186X) and the views are the best I have ever seen with a telescope! The eyepiece really suits the ETX perfectly.



Submitted by: Maurice Collins ( [4 Sep 11]

First night with the Moon since I got up at 3 am a week or so ago. Though I have been out stargazing with binoculars last few clear nights over the weekend at New Moon since it was good weather and a bit wamer. Here are my images from tonight with the ETX-90. Some with barlow.




See the Guest Lunar Archive 2011 for photos posted in July-August 2011.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 2011 for photos posted in February-June 2011.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 2010 for photos posted in July-December 2010.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 2010 for photos posted in January-June 2010.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 2009 for photos posted in April-December 2009.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 2009 for photos posted in January-March 2009.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 2008 for photos posted in November-December 2008.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 2008 for photos posted in July-October 2008.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 2008 for photos posted in January-June 2008.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 2007 for photos posted in July-October 2007.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 2007 for photos posted in May-June 2007.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 2007 for photos posted in January-April 2007.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 2006 for photos posted in November-December 2006.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 2006 for photos posted in October 2006.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 2006 for photos posted in July-September 2006.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 2006 for photos posted in May-June 2006.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 2006 for photos posted in March-April 2006.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 2006 for photos posted in January-February 2006.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 2005 for photos posted in September-December 2005.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 2005 for photos posted in August 2005.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 2005 for photos posted in April-July 2005.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 2005 for photos posted in January-March 2005.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 2004 for photos posted in October-December 2004.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 2004 for photos posted in July-September 2004.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 2004 for photos posted in April-June 2004.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 2004 for photos posted in January-March 2004.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 2003 for photos posted in 2003.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 2002 for photos posted in 2002.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 2001 for photos posted in 2001.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 2000 for photos posted in 2000.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 1998-99 for photos taken 1998 and 1999.

See the Guest Lunar Archive 1996-97 for photos taken 1996 and 1997.

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