Last updated: 15 November 2009
Some ETX users have sent me examples of their astrophotography. If you have some examples you would like included here please send me a description of how you made the astrophotos and a copy of the images as GIF or JPEG files (due to internet email gateway issues, please send only one image file per message). Send to Alternatively, if you have created your own web page with your examples please let me know and I'll include a link to your site. You will also find astrophotography examples on the Helpful Information - Astrophotography page.

Submitted by: Mark Ghist ( [15 Nov 09]
I first have to say thanks for your awesome site. I have gotten a lot of good info from your site. I have just recently been bit by the astronomy bug and getting into astrophotography. I though I would sent you my first attempt in using Registax 5 in hopes that you may post it. This was done using a EXT-90, 2X Barlow and a Meade LPI. I used VirtualDub to capture the video the processed it with Registax 5. Let me know what you think.
Submitted by: Stewart Long ( [19 Sep 09]
Jupiter with Io and its shadow taken on September 12th/13th from Rutland in U.K. High pressure and great seeing- the best this summer. ETX 125 polar mounted, 2 x apo barlow and Imaging Source DMK 21 mono camera. Seperate RGB images through Astronomik filters in Orion manual filter wheel. About 1000 exposures through each filter. Stacked and processed in Registax 5 and RGB combined and tweaked in Photoshop CS3. Probably my best Jupiter this year, the view at thye eyepiece was incredible and when the the image popped onto the laptop screen I knew it would be pretty sharp. Why are these nights so rare?!
Submitted by: Ralph Smyth ( [14 Sep 09]
Congratulations on getting your observatory up and running and best wishes to you and Laurraine in your new home. I am just sending you an image of Jupiter I made last night using my ETX105 and a Philips Toucam. I was delighted to see the shadow of Europa transiting Jupiter`s disc. This is the first time I have seen this. The weather here in Northern Ireland has been awful and only recently have we had a run of clear nights for observing. Jupiter is also low in the sky here making clean observation difficult - so I am pleased to have captured this image, which I hope you can include in your excellent site.
Submitted by: Stewart Long ( [4 Sep 09]
Jupiter taken on August 24th/25th from Rutland in U.K. Moderate seeing at best. ETX 125 polar mounted, 2 x apo barlow and Imaging Source DMK 21 mono camera. Seperate RGB images through Astronomik filters in Orion manual filter wheel. About 1000 exposures through each filter. Stacked and processed in Registax 5 (absolutely suberb new version by the way) and RGB combined and tweaked in Photoshop CS3. Weather in U.K. is rubbish!
Submitted by: Dieter Wolf ( [25 Aug 09]
it has been quite a while since my last mail to you - I don't find enough time to go outside into the garden; have to change that...
Jupiter with GRS (22 deg. above horizon) on 2009-08-20 23:20 CEST; ETX-125AT with 2x Barlow and ToUCam; 800 out of 1300 frames; K3CCD Tools
Submitted by: Maurice Collins ( [9 Aug 09]
Last night I got my ETX-90 out for first time in a while (been using a Celestron C8-SGT) as the seeing was not very good. I took these images with my Meade LPI and stacked the frames in Registax 5 with final processing in Photoshop CS2. The little ETX performed very well. Tracking was spot on, and it is the old /RA Astro model too. It was perfect for the bad seeing (A-IV).
Submitted by: Brian Miller ( [31 Jul 09]
I was intrigued when I heard about the recent impact feature on Jupiter's southern hemisphere, and I found a blog that described how to calculate the transit time for this new feature. Lisa C. from reported the following:
Check out the predicted transit times for the Great Red Spot, then simply add two hours and six minutes.
I used her calculation and set up my ETX 125 on Saturday July 25th and was very surprised to see this new dark spot. I broke out my trusty LPI imager and managed to capture these images. Each image was made from 100 stacked images of 75% or higher quality. Hope you find these images suitable for posting on your excellent website. I am looking forward to the next favorable transit.
Submitted by: Stewart Long ( [24 Jul 09]
Attached is my first Jupiter of the year. This was a fairly unambitious image using an ETX125 polar mounted and a Phillips spc900. About 800 frames combined in Registax 5 and tweaked in Photoshop. Given the impact mark on Jupiter this week, it seems I was imaging the wrong side! I will switch to my Imaging Source camera and try some RGB imaging at higher magnification to try and image the tiny dark imapct mark- a good test of the ETX.
Submitted by: Chris Matthews ( [24 Jul 09]
Jupiter Pic thru new ETX-LS using LPI camera.
Never had seen or imaged the moons shadow on Jupiter before. I think it came out pretty good.

See the Guest Planets Archive 2009 for photos posted March - April 2009.

See the Guest Planets Archive 2008 for photos posted November 2008.

See the Guest Planets Archive 2008 for photos posted July-October 2008.

See the Guest Planets Archive 2008 for photos posted January-June 2008.

See the Guest Planets Archive 2007 for photos posted August-December 2007.

See the Guest Planets Archive 2007 for photos posted February-June 2007.

See the Guest Planets Archive 2006 for photos posted July-December 2006.

See the Guest Planets Archive 2006 for photos posted June 2006.

See the Guest Planets Archive 2006 for photos posted April-May 2006.

See the Guest Planets Archive 2006 for photos posted March 2006.

See the Guest Planets Archive 2006 for photos posted January-February 2006.

See the Guest Planets Archive 2005 for photos posted November-December 2005.

See the Guest Planets Archive 2005 for photos posted October 2005.

See the Guest Planets Archive 2005 for photos posted August-September 2005.

See the Guest Planets Archive 2005 for photos posted June-July 2005.

See the Guest Planets Archive 2005 for photos posted April-May 2005.

See the Guest Planets Archive 2005 for photos posted January-March 2005.

See the Guest Planets Archive 2004 for photos posted August-December 2004.

See the Guest Planets Archive 2004 for photos posted April-June 2004.

See the Guest Planets Archive 2004 for photos posted Januuary-March 2004.

See the Guest Planets Archive 2003 for photos posted October-December 2003.

See the Guest Planets Archive 2003 for photos posted August-September 2003.

See the Guest Planets Archive 2003 for photos posted January-July 2003.

See the Guest Planets Archive 2002 for photos posted in 2002.

See the Guest Planets Archive 2001 for photos posted in 2001.

See the Guest Planets Archive 2000 for photos posted in 2000.

See the Guest Planets Archive 1998-99 for photos taken 1998 and 1999.

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